The NAiMA Project
The NAiMA Project is a Sofia-based initiative that
was founded by Christiane Karam in the fall of 2014, with valuable contributions from core members Stanislav Arabadjiev & Zhivko Vasilev.
NAiMA strives to bring together Balkan, Middle
Eastern& Western folk and contemporary musical
traditions in a meaningful way, while also
serving as a platform for community,
storytelling and multimedia. The project often performs in smaller duo and trio formations but
also operates as a collective that brings in and collaborates with artists from around the world.
Current line-up/Collaborators:
Christiane Karam (Voice, Percussion, Compositions)
Stanislav Arabadjiev (Keys, Guitar)
Zhivko Vasilev (Kaval)
Peyo Peev (Gadulka)
Stefan Hristov (Tabla)
Buny Barabuny (Percussion)
Peter Todorov (Percussion)