Eastern Tapestries is a multi-media production series that celebrates the stirring vocal and rhythmic traditions of the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Caucasus, as well as the traditions on either end of those regions, namely South Asia, North Africa and the Mediterranean. It's a dance between tradition and unknown, preserving what has been and diving into what could be. It's a tribute to song and the human voice as a vehicle for hope, joy, mourning, celebration and survival. And most importantly, it is a powerful testimonial of the healing power of music and an inspiring platform where love, light and beauty stand a chance to prevail over conflict, anger and darkness. The series culminated in the release of an album with the same name, in the fall of 2013, which celebrates the different vocal traditions of the Middle East, the Balkans and Central Asia, and ranges from traditional renditions to in the moment contemporary improvisations.
Previous collaborations have included Javier Limon, Hüsnü Senlendirici, Binka Dobreva, Bori Magyar, Zulal, the Pletenitsa Balkan Choir, ZilZALA and Juliana Svetlichnaia. The 'Eastern Tapestries' Album is due for release in the US in September 2013.